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Calendar of Events


Feb. 3 Board Meeting Noon at Kris Luka home (w/ Liz Ryan)
Feb. 11 9 am Community Projects: Mini-Arrangements for Mobile Meals.
Meet at the Baptist Church. (Martha Savage, contacts)
Feb. 12 Noon General Meeting at SRCC “The Language of Flowers”, with Layce Gebhard.
Hospitality Team: Maryfran Annesse* w/ Jane Christiani, Karen Eardley, Gayle Lechner, Martha Savage
Flower Design: Betty Clark, Elena Hreczny
Feb. 19 3:30 pm Juniors: Completion of bird house project. Also, growing something
from nothing - plants from pits & pips! Meet at Beth Siano home. (with committee members)
Feb. 24 Garden B’s: Movie Night & Potluck at Beth Hanscom home. 6 pm (Beth Hanscom, contact)
Feb. 26 Community Projects: Make ornaments for Jardine Academy Spring tree Meet at Cheryl Katz's house
(Cheryl Katz, contact)

Feb. 27 Photography Zoom: Show, Tell, & Critique. (virtual) 10 am (Margot Partridge, contact)

Mar. 3 Board Meeting Noon at Carmen Skoletsky home (w/ Barbara Murphy)
Mar. 12 Noon . . General Meeting at SRCC “Likeable Lichens”, with Dorothy Smullen.
Hospitality Team: Betty Round* w/ Annie Dai, Cheryl Katz, Adah Levin, Beth Siano
Flower Design: Eileen Morris
Mar. 19 Juniors: Floral arranging workshop with Kay Cross. 3:30 pm Meet at Beth Siano home. (Alice Cowell, contact)
Mar. 24 Finance Committee Meeting 1 pm at Sue Feldman home.
Mar. 26 Community Projects: Decorate Spring tree at Jardine. 10:30 am Meet at Jardine Academy. (Cheryl Katz, contact)
Mar. 26 Community Gardens: Rose Pruning.9:30 am Meet at Shadowlawn.(Adah Levin & Barb Spellmeyer, contacts)

Apr. 1 Community Gardens: Spring planting of urns at Mindowaskin. 10 am (Carmen Skoletsky, contact)
Apr. 7 Board Meeting Noon at Alice Cowell home (w/Joan Barna)
Apr. 8 10:30 am Community Projects: Bows for Jardine Mothers’ Day plants. Meet at Adah Levin home. (Adah Levin, contact)
April 9 General Meeting at SRCC “Lilacs in the Garden”, Noon with Lauren Errickson, PhD.
Hospitality Team: Kathryn Ciurczak* w/ Tula Alhasim, Barbara Murphy, Liz Ryan, Joanne Womelsdorf Flower Design: Carmen Skoletsky
April 10Horticulture: Spring Plant Exchange at Inge Bossert home. Remember to pot & label plants!
April 24 Juniors: 3:30 Make floral arrangement for Flower Show.
Meet at Beth Siano home. (with full committee). NOTE: meeting on THURSDAY.
April 25 Club Activity: Flower Show set-up. (Diana Kazazis, Sharon Shiraga, contacts)
April 26 Flower Show & Tea, “Get Inspired!” at Shady Rest Country Club.
NOTE: Judy Kampe, Nancy Wallace, and Kay Cross Award/Competitions will be selected from Show entries.

Types of

Workshop - you do the work, go home with a an item, not for flower show workshops, some items are supplied.

Flower Show Meetings are:
Demo, you watch only (educational) demo. Sometimes held at general meeting.
Critique Workshop. You bring an item and learn what you did right or wrong and how to improve your work. Also get to see/hear critiques of others’ work and lean from what they’ve done.

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